Honorary Guest

We had the opportunity of becoming friends with a wonderful family known as The Peterson's. Mr. Peterson just retired as an assistant coach for the NHL team The Nashville Predators. Brent is also a former NHL player for 11 years and well respected athlete. At age 45 he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. It was devastating news for all who know him especially his family. Brent chose not to let this disease get the best of him. He has become an active spokesman and advocate for the disease. His celebrity golf tournament, Peterson for Parkinson's, has raised thousands of dollars for the Peterson for Parkinson's organization . Last year in December Brent had the DBS ( deep brain stimulus) implanted in his brain. What an amazing thing it is to see the video and how this device has changed his quality of life. I felt such a personal connection with Brent because our families are good friends and I too am an athlete and can't imagine what it would be like to be in the height of your coaching career, still have that competitive spirit he has and have someone tell you that you have Parkinson's.

Because he has been an inspiration to me, I felt it would be appropriate to invite Brent Peterson to fly out to the Bob Bowen 4 Parkinson's tournament I am organizing. He willingly accepted my request so he will be our honorary guest at the tournament. He will also be a guest speaker at the luncheon directly following the tournament. I believe he will be showing a video clip of the actual DBS device being implanted into his brain. In hopes of educating all who are there about this disease. I have chosen to put the money raised at the tournament toward Brent's Peterson for Parkinson's organization. The money will help people who have this disease but cannot afford to get the DBS device.

I may be young but I have seen and felt in my own experiences the happiness you feel when you serve others. My Great Grandpa was a perfect example of this. His life was dedicated to serving people. This happiness acquired through giving is what I hope to attain from this project as well as educating others about the effects and treatment options for this disease. I hope you will all come and help me raise awareness and money for this great cause.

1 comment:

  1. Chase, you are a remarkable young man and I am proud of you for the work that you are doing in honor and memory of your great grandfather. Keep it up. Carl Ames
