
     My name is Chase Michael Robertson, I'm 14 years old and attend Centennial Junior High in Kaysville, Utah. For the past 4 years I have been a participant in the Bountiful Ridge Junior Golf Club in Bountiful, Utah. This means I get to golf every Monday on various teams throughout the summer. Not only do I get to do something I love but I also get to have some quality time when I'm doing it with my golfing buddy, my Great Grandpa.
      His name is Bob Bowen and I have realized over the years how proud I am to be his great grandson. He served in World War ll, taught math at Davis High School for many years and was an assistant principal at Viewmont High School in Bountiful, Utah before retiring. Most of the kids there knew him as "Uncle Bob". After retiring he decided he should try to cover the expenses of his golf habit by working at the Bountiful Ridge Golf Course where he did the traps every morning. Boy could he golf, even after many operations such as: shoulder replacements, hip replacements, macular degeneration, arthritis and a devastating disease known as Parkinson's. He wouldn't let anything stop him from working hard, golfing and spending time with his family.
     I valued every Monday when after I would finish golfing, I would see my gramps there at the golf course clubhouse waiting to give me a ride back to his house.  We then would mow his lawn, paint whatever needed painting and then go a local fast food restaurant for lunch. I knew how fortunate I was to get to spend quality time with such an amazing man.
      This brings me to my next venture. I am trying to earn my Eagle Scout Award this August and wanted to do something meaningful and challenging for my Eagle Scout project. Here is what I have decided to do. I  am putting on a golf tournament in honor of my Great Grandpa to help raise awareness for Parkinson's Research. It made sense for me to do this at the Bountiful Ridge Golf Course since this is where my gramps worked and played. It will be called "Bob Bowen 4 Parkinson's". I wanted my Grandpa to be here to be the honorary guest for the tournament  but unfortunately he passed away on August 21st of last year due to Parkinson's .  I know he will be there in spirit and is proud of me for taking on such a huge project. 

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